Robbed of Beauty
The Robbed of Beauty Project
The Robbed of Beauty Project is simple. Original Paintings of women are put up on public walls in various cities for people to take. When they look at the back of the painting they’ve taken or ‘robbed’ the artist of – a message is inscribed on the back that leads them to this website, and to get involved in the fight against human trafficking.
All of the paintings are originals. They’re pieces of the artist put out into the world and when they’re stolen, there’s a sense of loss. This is just a metaphor for the suffering endured when someone is trafficked, but because the person who takes the painting is in a sense rewarded at the expense of someone else, the message is intended to strike a sense of guilt. We go on with our lives every day and ignore the abuse that thousands of women are enduring in our cities. We need to do something about it.
Role: Artist